The Power of Small Steps

“Better than yesterday” has become a bit of a motto of mine.

Cool kids might call it a mantra.

I was fortunate enough to witness my son’s first steps.

It was a really profound moment.

What was more profound was all the little actions he took leading up to the big event.

He didn’t just go from a crawl to a walk.

He built on all these little actions daily.

→ Crawling to Standing.

→ Standing to balancing.

→ Balancing to shuffling along furniture.

→ Shuffling along furniture to taking a step out and balancing.

→ Turning one step into two.

→ Holding on to mum and dad walking around the house.

Finally, standing up one day by himself and walking across the living room floor to a shocked and proud dad.

He fell over more times than I could count.

There were times it seemed he wasn’t progressing.

But, every day he got a little better by taking the tiny actions required to walk on his own.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Taking action doesn’t have to be a single, profound and decisive moment.

Just a small action. Anything beyond inaction.

We can make profound changes over time by connecting all the small actions of improvement together.

You may take a step or two back in one area and that’s ok and completely normal.

But, that little action we take to improve ourselves helps balance the steps back we may need to take every now and then.

We can be very harsh on ourselves. This is pretty normal as well.
Usually, because we’re comparing ourselves.

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